
HIV Messages

Uganda AIDS Commission is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that all HIV/AIDS messages generated at national and district levels for mass dissemination via print, digital, electronic, broadcast media, drama, bill boards etc. shall be subjected to vetting for appropriateness before dissemination to the public. To perform this responsibility a Message Clearing and Harmonization Committee was appointed by the Board whose main purpose is to act as a gatekeeper for all HIV/AIDS related messages generated for dissemination by different actors to the public.
In the folders below are some of the messages that were cleared by the Committee for dissemination and use. They are categorized into Care and Treatment; Prevention; and Cultural Messages.

Candlelight 2023 Messages


Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President by statute of parliament in 1992 to coordinate the multi-sectoral response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

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Get in Touch

Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

