

  • Improved coordination of national and subnational HIV and AIDS response
  • Increased oversight and advocacy at all levels
  • Increased resource mobilization for the HIV response
  • Alignment of key policy documents towards HIV response
  • Sustainability and efficiency of the HIV response
  • Improved capacity for the stakeholders in the coordination and implementation of the HIV response


Uganda AIDS Commission is assisted in its coordination role by a national HIV/AIDS Partnership Mechanism. The Uganda HIV/AIDS Partnership Mechanism was established in 2002 by the Uganda AIDS Commission for the purpose of bringing together several constituencies working at different levels in the area of HIV/AIDS. The mechanism is an arrangement through which UAC performs its coordination task, by rallying all constituencies around One National Strategic Plan, One M&E Framework and commitment to recognize UAC as the One National HIV/AIDS Coordinating Authority.
The Partnership Mechanism has four main components, namely; the Partnership Forum, Partnership Fund, Committee of Technical Experts, and Self-Coordinating Entities (SCE). Each of these four structures plays a complementary role to the others.

Partnership Forum

This is an event of all stakeholders at national and lower levels that attracts political/policy and technical representation to share information on the status of the epidemic and response and agree on national priorities for action. The Partnership Forum was established as the “apex body” for the partnership mechanism; where stakeholders are represented to undertake and oversee all operations of the partnership. The forum provides an avenue for consultation and information sharing; joint planning and review in line with the national strategy for AIDS response. The Forum further looks into aspects of resource mobilization and the entire spectrum of support to HIV/AIDS interventions of all stakeholders. The Partnership Forum is always conducted after every two years in the country. In plan, at regional levels the assembly should be happening annually.

Partnership Fund

The Partnership Fund was established in 2002 as a pooled source of funds from AIDS Development Partners to support coordination. The fund ceased in 2016 however there is plan to revamp the structure.

Committee of Technical Experts

This is the backbone of the Partnership mechanism. This committee provides Advisory role to the Board and plays a dual role of policy and technical oversight as well as verifying operational effectiveness and accountability of UAC.

Self-Coordinating Entities (SCEs)

Partnership Directorate coordinates the 12 Self Coordinating Entities (SCEs). Self-Coordinating Entities are clusters of stakeholders with similar areas of interest that come together in order to enhance participation, coordination and effectiveness on specific aspects of the national AIDS response. The SCEs are made of different representations and they include:

Self-Coordinating Entities provide a unique opportunity to ensure effective participation by as many stakeholders as possible in the coordination and management of the national response.



Membership / Mandate                                                                        


Civil Society Organizations (Non-Government, not for profit)

National NGOs, International NGOs, Young People.  (UNASO)


Faith Based Organizations

Inter Denominational (Inter religious Council of Uganda


People Living with HIV

Greater involvement in the response (NAFOPHANU)


Cultural Institutions (Kingdoms and Chiefdoms)

Culture Organizations (Tentative Secretariat at MOGLSD)



Journalists, Owners of Media Houses


Private Sector

 Profit Organizations (includes MDD) (Federation of Uganda Employers)



Committee on HIV/ AIDS and other Committees (Health, Presidential Affairs, Finance etc)


Central government

Line Ministry; 85 Ministries, Department and Agencies. (Office of the President)


AIDS Development Partners (ADPs)

Coordination, Funding & technical assistance

( JUPSA Secretariat  & UN Women– Chairperson)


Academia, Research, Sciences and Professional Associations

Professional Associations  ( Health Providers,  Medical (UNAS)


Ministry of Local Government

Coordination of the decentralized response both Local Governments and Urban authorities


Country Coordination Mechanism

Responsible for Global Fund Programming


Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President by statute of parliament in 1992 to coordinate the multi-sectoral response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

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Get in Touch

Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

